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GPS loss of Signal

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Flyboy 42P

Mar 24, 2023
Reaction score
Santa Rosa
I installed a new Garmin GNC355 GPS with a new CI-2480-200 dual com/gps antenna. The GPS acquires satellites fine but during flight I get a LOI warning and loose the GPS. It also says can’t find satellites. At times in landing phase the gps will go back on line. I have been troubleshooting this with the avionics shop that did the install but no luck. It’s very frustrating and don’t dare fly IFR since i can’t trust the GPS during approaches. The avionics shop thinks it’s interference maybe from my ELT but I unhooked it to check and same result. I am wondering if the antenna itself may be the problem but because it’s intermittent it works fine until it doesn’t. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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