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Early 2023 Garmin Updates: New Software, GNS Repair Service and more

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Dec 14, 2020
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Hi everyone, the Garmin team has been working hard for the past several months adding new capabilities to our products and creating new training courses. Lots of the enhancements and updates are based on your feedback. Let’s get to it, updates below.

GPS 175/GNC 355/GNX 375 series new software v3.20
  • A popular upgrade has included a GTN series or GTN Xi series with a GPS 175, GNC 355 or GNX 375 navigator. Now, this combination of navigators offers two-way flight plan crossfill.
  • Another popular upgrade combination is a GNX 375, with built-in ADS-B in/out transponder, with either a GNC 355, with built-in comm radio, or GPS 175. Now, the ADS-B weather and traffic from the GNX 375 transponder can display on the GPS 175 and GNC 355.
  • The Fuel Planning page is one of my favorite utilities that I routinely reference in-flight. This handy utility calculates the fuel on board using a pilot inputted fuel flow rate and fuel quantity. This update offers the pilot the ability to select the real-time fuel flow rate from popular fuel flow sensors. For aircraft equipped with either a Garmin TXi EIS or GI 275 EIS, both the fuel quantity input by the pilot at startup and the real-time fuel flow rate from these systems are available to the navigator’s Fuel Planning page.
  • For landing locations that are not published in the navigation database, like a private airport, a user created waypoint can be designated as an airport. The navigator treats this waypoint similar to airports published in the navigation database and adjusts the terrain alerting accordingly.
  • Today, navigation guidance for procedures containing fly-over (FO) waypoints is provided to the pilot. To help make pilots aware of a fly-over waypoint type in a procedure loaded in the navigator, a blue circled waypoint symbol replaces the blue triangle waypoint symbol on both the moving map and flight plan pages.

GTN Xi series v20.30, TXi series v3.50 and GI 275 v2.60 software updates

Several enhancements to the database update process:
  • Database sync automatically transfers all the databases to other compatible, connected displays. The GTN Xi series, TXi series and GI 275 combination gets up to a 10x boost to database sync with the respective software versions above.
  • Once all the databases have been synced, a coordinated restart of all connected GTN Xi series and TXi series displays will occur.
  • To help better understand the status of background database syncing to other displays, a new Database Sync tab is available on the System Status page.

Additional enhancements:
  • Both the GTN Xi series and TXi series (pictured below) now include the same fly-over (FO) waypoint symbol, referenced above. The GI 275 included this in the previous software update.


TXi updates include:
  • Enhanced SVT display offers more terrain contouring and runway detail, like runway threshold markings.
  • Using the destination airport in the flight plan, the destination airport sign is outlined in bold, to make it more prominent from the others. This is particularly useful when operating in areas with densely populated airports, like Wichita and Dallas, to offer another cue that you’re landing at the intended airport (pictured left).
  • In aircraft without an autopilot, the pilot can now select a standard aircraft attitude symbol instead of the chevron. For aircraft equipped with a flight director capable autopilot, other than the GFC 600, the dual cue flight director is displayed when the standard aircraft attitude symbol is selected (pictured right). The GI 275 included this in a previous software update.


  • GI 275 adds a pilot-selectable data field to both the HSI and HSI map pages.

GNS 430/530 Series Repair Service
  • The GNS 430/530 series has a storied history, with over a decade of production between 1998 and 2011. Twenty-five years later, Garmin continues to support the GNS series.
  • While closely monitoring the components required to continue repairing this mainstay navigator, it has come to our attention that some components are reaching a critical level to continue support. As a result, comprehensive service will become limited in the years ahead. At this time, we estimate some repair limitations will begin occurring in 2024.
  • Both database updates and product support are planned for years to come. Repair service will continue to be offered while components required for a specific repair remain available.
  • Specific versions include both WAAS and non-WAAS GNC 420, GNS 430, GNS 530, GPS 400, and GPS 500.
  • I know most here have either flown or continue to fly behind this iconic navigator that revolutionized flying. Knowing this, we felt an obligation to communicate this as soon as we became aware, so you can start thinking about a transition plan. From our decades of experience, the GTN Xi series now offers the best capabilities on the market today, with features only available from Garmin, like Smart Glide. More here: Aviation Navigation and Radios | Airplane GPS | Garmin

New Online Training Courses
Based on your feedback, the Garmin Aviation Training Team has created a self-paced, online G3X Touch eLearning course. Two courses are available, one for experimental aircraft and another for certified aircraft. The comprehensive course reviews topics like the user interface, flight planning, navigation, engine indication system, abnormal operations, as well as advanced applications and safety tech like ESP and Smart Glide. It offers some sample scenarios to help practice the knowledge. More information here: Garmin | Search

We need you
The aviation team is looking for talented individuals to serve in roles across the business from marketing, engineering, human factors and aircraft operations. If you or someone you know is an aviation enthusiast with the right credentials, please consider one of our open positions here: https://careers.garmin.com/careers-home/jobs?page=3&view=search&tags1=Aviation Operations & Aircraft Certification|Systems Engineering.

We appreciate your consideration, loyalty and feedback.

-Joey Ferreyra
Garmin Sales & Customer Experience Manager

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