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An 85hp Continental engine in a 1946 J-3 Cub

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Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
Just finished an annual in a J-3 cub. My concern to the owner is the engine was overhauled in 2009 and has since then accumulated 22.5 hours. The aircraft is hangared and overall it is in good shape.

The FAR 91 rules say that no matter how much time is on an aircraft engine (FAR 135 Excluded) if the engine makes static RPM, no metal is found in the oil screen and cylinder Compression is good (75/80 or better) it is good to go.

My concern is the owner had mineral oil in the engine since 2009. I am concerned with internal corrosion, however the cylinders were Chrome.

Any recommendations for preparing the engine to get Ashless dispersant oil installed….I would run it again on mineral for a time to make sure the chrome cylinders are broken in!



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