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Whoa! Navworx is going to war with the FAA

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Jan 25, 2013
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https://www.navworx.com/documents/UPN Statement.pdf




Navworx certified an ADS-B box that uses your existing transponder several years ago. It does not have an approved nav GPS, because that level of accuracy is not required for traffic, per the regs.

The FAA refused, per Navworx, to grant them approved GPS status despite their demonstration of the equipment meeting that capability.

The FAA later changed the traffic output on the server-side of ADS-B to only show traffic targets to devices with approved GPS units.

That means that the STC'd Navworx box no longer receives traffic.

Navworx informed the FAA that they were going to push a software update to change their ADS-B box to report as an approved GPS. The FAA told them not to. Navworx did it anyway. The FAA, in what must be a record in terms of timely government action, submitted a proposed AD within two days that recommends forcing Navworx owners to pull the devices from their airplanes.

Navworx is local to me and my shop installs lots of them. I'm told from their conversations with Navworx that Navworx had already brought in legal counsel with the intention of fighting the FAA in court if this happened.

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