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Whelen Chroma nav bulbs

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Mar 18, 2017
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So, I’ve got a few burned out nav/position lights, and am in need of replacement. I’d love to go all-LED (at present, this bird has 3 incandescent landing lights, old-school strobes and beacon, and incandescent nav lights), but am not ready to plunk down a few grand for lights just yet. In the meanwhile, the alternator screams for mercy when everything is on.

I’ve been eyeing the Whelen Chroma nav light bulbs since they came out, but didn’t yet have an excuse to buy them. They’re a tad spendy (as are all Whelen LEDs), but aren’t as much so as buying the entire LED nav/strove combo at $600 per side.

Is anyone here running the Chromas thus far? If so, what do you think about them?

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