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What would you do? Radio on the audio panel versus GPS?

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Given the choice, would you rather have a (PAR200B + GNC355) or a (PMA450b + GPS175)?

  • PAR200B + GPS175

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • PMA450b + GNC355

    Votes: 7 87.5%

  • Total voters
Mar 5, 2017
Reaction score
The captain has authorized an upgrade to the radio stack. Either a GPS175 or GNC355 will go in the location of a KLN-94. The KMA-20 and KX-155 will both come out. I am OK losing one of my two nav radios in this exchange.

The options are:
A) PS Engineering PAR200b (audiopanel plus Trig com) + Garmin GPS175 (GPS-only)
B) PS Engineering PMA450b (audiopanel) + Garmin GNC355 (GPS plus com)

The specific functions that the PAR200b loses to the PMA450b are lack of marker beacon functionality (I honestly don't think I'm going to miss that, but if people here find this important, I would factor it into my decision to prepare for possible sale about 3 years down the road), lack of a USB port (I think I have enough ports in the plane anyways, but I guess it can't hurt to have one more), and some of the rather extreme level of audio distribution covered by our own @Flying_Monkey. The capabilities of the PAR200b seem good enough for the long trips.

One of the questions I wonder about is the scenario of the com going down years down the road. If the com goes out on the Garmin unit, I'm thinking it's going to be much more expensive to fix than if the Trig radio goes out on the PAR200b.

Maybe I'm overthinking this. Anyhow, if anyone has any thoughts at all, please chime in.

N526MM radio stack _ small.jpg

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