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Water in Fuel - Symptoms?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2017
Reaction score
Hello all,

Ran into something today that I'd like to get your feedback on.

On climb out today, at about 600 feet, the engine started sputtering a little. As soon as it happened, I decided to get back on the ground so I joined the downwind, made a short approach and made it back on the ground safely.

The sputtering continued all throughout the downwind and final, though possibly less so as time passed (two-three minutes tops). A LOOONG 3 minutes, btw...

Also, it was noticed that during these sputtering, the fuel flow dropped from the normal full power/full rich amount of 16 GPH to 5-8 GPH, fluttering within that range.

We suspect water in the fuel (sumped the tanks during preflight, but didn't notice any indications of water). Do the symptoms line up with water in the fuel?


PS: May or may not be material (though as I think on it, it may be) but the other day I noticed ice crystals on the tire (immediately below the sump drain). I didn't understand why or how they formed ONLY on one spot on that tire, but now I'm thinking...And yes, the crystals formed on the same side as the tank that was in use during today's minor event.

PPS: Any BETTER ways of checking for water in the fuel beyond the old school sump? (once bitten/twice shy)

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