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Warrior II 1978 161 Carb Heat Control issue

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Sep 18, 2024
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Hi There,

I would like to ask your opinion as the possible cause and fixes of an issue on my Warrior II. Since I bought it, almost a year ago I've been having this issue of the carb heat control lever sliding down when on cruise.

At low revs, even on climb everything is ok, once the airplane is straight and level on its cruise setting, the carby heat lever starts sliding down. If I you don't realise, basically I'm flying with the carb heat on.
At the moment, I am holding it with a rubber band, which works as a temporary fix.

This has been checked by my mechanic. Cable and control castellated nuts, supposedly tightened. It actually requires a fair amount of force to actuate the control on the ground.

When looking at the butterfly bushing in the air box there is a bit of up/down play on the bushing itself but that's all.

My mechanic says I might need a replacement airbox to fix it right. What do you think is the problem, could it be just a new set of grommets?

Thank you


  • Carb heat.mp4
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