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Various knick-knacks for sale...

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Jan 25, 2013
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I'm changing autopilots, GPS units, secondary comm, and getting a GTX345, so have got some stuff here...


Listed the lowball stuff on ebay.

Also have a 430W (sub 200 hours since new, installed in 2014), pending to another customer of the radio shop for 6500 but will let anyone interested know if that changes.

Also for sale is this altitude preselect system. They sell it for 1750 including the arm/disarm button (about 500 bucks from Eaton for the switch). It's certified out of the box for Aspen and Garmin panels, should work with others as well, but requires an altitude bug of some sort with an alert and one of the listed autopilots with auto electric trim... that's how it works. You set the bug, and when the altitude bug setting is reached it kicks the autopilot into alt hold mode. $900 without the button/switch, I intend to recycle the switch for use as my new autopilot's arm/disarm button. If you want the switch with it, we need to make other arrangements let me know.

Datasheet/compatibility here...


Also will have a complete STEC55 system with yaw damper, remote annunciator, and the factory pre-select that was pulled in 2014. Head unit is for a 28v Commander, not a 14v one. Servos are ~800 ttaf, my pitot/static inspection last month showed 787 hours. Backlight on the remote annunciator is dead.

Unless someone has a burning desire for the whole STEC55 system, I'll probably sell the servos, factory preselect unit, and knobs/switches/etc off as spares.

Someone else mentioned that the factory offered him an STEC55X upgrade from his 55 system for 1600 dollars on the phone, so that might be an option for someone with a dud autopilot of the same model, but check with STEC first, they're not famous for giving up paperwork for used installs. Honestly not sure what the whole system is worth, considering it's for a select few aircraft. The value of the used servos, basically.

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