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Vacuum lovers delight!

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Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
Here it is, a complete working as removed vacuum system with some spare parts in excellent condition!

You get 2x AAD9-18-1 Tempest filters. One new, one a couple months old with the fittings attached.

Tempest garter filter NEW ARB3-5-1

Rapco RAP215cc vacuum pump with about 250 hours making great suction!

Airborne regulating valve 2H3-19 with the low vacuum switch and the gauge 1G10-1.

Shipping to the CONUS $350 complete! I will quote international shipping.

I also have a Precise Flight Inc stand by vacuum system that I believe is the IV. I need to check and that will be sold separately. PM me if you are interested in this and I will see what I can find out.


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