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Upgrading Non-Standard Instrument Panel to 6-Pack Layout

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Dec 22, 2022
Reaction score
Boston, MA
My 1967 Piper Cherokee has a totally non-standard instrument layout. I would like to move the instruments to a standard 6-pack configuration. Attached photos show left side of the panel with cover on and cover removed with desired instrument placement labelled. As you can see from photos, I need to make a new 3 1/4 inch cut-out for a standard DG. I am looking for very basic information/suggestions:

- What tools are best for measuring and creating the actual cut-outs?
- Where the attitude indicator is currently sitting, there was a cut-out plate used to fit AI which is then attached to panel backing. Are there standard kits which would have plates to mount instruments in this way? If so, can you recommend vendors?
- The original cover will have to be cut to accommodate new layout or replaced. What are my options for replacing this cover with something updated to fit new layout and what vendors are recommended?

I apologize for the very basic nature of these question but would like any suggestions for purchasing items needed to make this job as efficient and easy as possible.

Thank you as always for any help!



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  • PanelWithCover.jpg
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