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For Sale UAvionix AV-30c, AV-Mag and AV-Link [Sold]

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Apr 27, 2021
Reaction score
I installed the AV-30c and AV-Mag when my vacum driven DG died while waiting for my spot to upgraded to a full glass cockpit (Dynon HDX). The AV-30c with AV-Mag worked nicely, but they don’t have a home in my new panel. The AV-Link was never installed. They are all the certified version. The cheapest I found the three units new was $2,714. I’ll sell all three units for $2,200. US buyers only and we will use something like PayPal to protect both parties. I will share paperwork and serial numbers with serious buyers. Message me if interested. Located in Destin FL. Local pickup saves you an additional $100. Like new.


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