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That’s because you’re late to the party.  I often will avoid a thread that’s gone this far before jumping in because yes it takes an hour just to go through 20+ pages of responses but if you get in early it’s really not much to keep up with new posts.

Many of us check on this and other boards in the morning with coffee and in the evening, sometimes you are at work and bored on the overnight, or maybe you just like reading a thread here that hasn’t devolved into politics.

As for the speculation, that’s all we’re ever going to get out of this accident.  The FAA will put out a final that makes some educated guesses and maybe an extra tidbit or two that was gleaned during the investigation but unfortunately without CVR’s and FDR’s in small aircraft (and often times even if you had that) speculation of cause is as far as finding out what happened will get.

It’s often the case in GA accidents, just like the one a few months back with the Citation that went down off of Smyrna outside of Nashville.  We will never know what caused that either, thus all that is left is speculation.
