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Turbo Tailpipe Clamp NPRM / AD

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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2016
Reaction score
Spot-welded V-band Couplings Cause Accidents; FAA seeking input on Rule
Notice Number: NOTC2506

On July 27, 2022, the FAA issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) of a proposed Airworthiness Directive (AD) for turbocharged, reciprocating engine-powered airplanes and helicopters and turbocharged, reciprocating engines with a spot-welded, multi-segment v-band coupling installed at the tailpipe to the turbocharger exhaust housing flange. This proposed AD would establish a 500-hour life limit of the v-band coupling and require repetitive inspections. The FAA seeks public input and comments on this proposed AD by November 4, 2022. The most helpful comments are specific, provide a rationale, and include supporting data.

You may view the NPRM, ask questions, and provide comments at:

You may view a photo illustrating the issue at the following link:

For questions contact: Tom Teplik, 316-946-4196, [email protected]

I encourage everyone affected by this NPRM to respond by submitting comments. As written in the proposed AD, the turbo exhaust p[pe V-band clamp not identified as having less than 500 hours TIS, or if the TIS cannot be determined, that clamp is to be scrapped.

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