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Turbo Leaking Oil on S1AD Engine

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PA-32R-301T, BE36
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
After some maintenance I finally got the bird back together, test flight went nicely, but afterwards I had about 1/2 oz of oil drain out of the turbo thru the induction plumbing coming out of the compressor side of the turbo. This happened after engine shut down. Prior maintenance included replacing the oil seal in the scavenger pump. Thus my A&P and I have removed the scavenger pump again and verified the pump works properly, and there is no blockage in the oil return line to the pump. We also removed the check valve on the oil line entering the turbo, it seems to work properly as well. Cylinder compressions are good and the breather line is clear. I read that oil leaking from turbos is rarely the turbo. I was thinking the check valve was not closing after shut down and the oil in the line was leaking past the turb oil seal and into the induction system. Any thoughts or experiences out there as to trouble shooting? Im thinking the turbo may have to be replaced. Also the scavenger pump has a couple drops of oil seepage on its outer casing. This happens statically, I can clean the pump and come back a day later and there are 2-3 drops of oil on the bottom side of the pump. Of interest is the pump is in two halves that do not have a gasket between them, or at least no gasket shown in the scavenger pump assembly drawing. Thanks for any help.

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