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turbo Lance in the SF Bay area

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'79 PA32RT-300T
Supporting Member
Apr 14, 2018
Reaction score
SF bay area
I finally decided to buy an airplane, and decided on the Lance. I had more time renting Cessnas (most recently a T210), and prefer the high wing, but gotta love that roomy cabin and easy in and out back door. I found what seems to be a good 1979 model, mid time, but older panel - state of the art for the 1990's (ie. no LORAN :)) It hasn't been upgraded for the last 10 or 15 years. but has a standby alternator, backup vacuum pump, nice interior, etc. I have about 45 hours on it so far, including flying it back from the midwest and taking a vacation to Jackson Hole.

My goal is to spend some money saved in the purchase price to upgrade it to this century. It has a couple of hotter running cylinders, so I redid the baffle seals. It seems a bit better, but still has a couple of hotter running cylinders. Sigh. Yeah, airplane ownership! On a more positive note, I spent about the same amount on fixing the Altimatic IIIc and it now works great for being 40 years old. Altitude hold works, it tracks well, and now even follows the GS down the ILS to minimums. So far, 1 for 2.

I still have other minor things to work on (what, no stall horn). Before 2020, I'd like to change out my GPS 155XL for a WAAS GPS (GTN 650?), get ads-b out, etc. It would be nice if Dynon would certify the PA32 for their glass panel - they have the PA28's scheduled for this year and also the Seneca. The Lance/Saratoga/6 should be easy, right? A backup plan may be an Aspen EFD1000 (to run the a/p) and uAvionix tailBeacon.

Anyway, I'll be starting some threads on what I need to know as a new owner, and try and learn what I can from all your experience.

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