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Turbo Lance II - what to look for?

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Jun 23, 2019
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Hello all,

New to this forum but I've been doing a lot of research about various small planes that would potentially fit my needs and the Turbo Lance II seems to fit the bill pretty well. A turbo Saratoga would work fine too, but for the difference in price (at least at this point) I've narrowed in on the Turbo Lance II.

Anyway, my questions are really about what everyone thinks are the best (or most unnecessary) upgrades/mods to look for. I've seen a lot of different things out there on different classified ads and since I'm not too familiar with all of them I figured this forum would be a good resource to try and gather some intel.

Seems like there are a lot of speed mods out there. Which ones are worth it? How about the speed brakes? 3-blade prop vs 2-blade prop? The plane would be based in Denver and would need to be able to get up and over the mountains as necessary ideally.

I'm sure there are tons of things I don't know so like I said just trying to gather information at this point. Any and all insights are appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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