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Todays flight

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Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2015
Reaction score
Got to the airport this morning at around 09:30. Temp was in the high 20's. Plugged in the pre heater. (hair drier, and drier hose) and hooked charger to the battery. (figured to give it a bit of juice since it had not been above freezing) Noticed that in the extreme cold of the past week or two, a strut had gone flat, and all the tires were low. So, while pre-heating, I pumped up the strut, and the tires. Installed the oil cooler plate. All that done, pre-flight completed, pulled it out into the sun. 4 prime shots, and was running after 4 blades, at 11:00. Short flight over to Rome, (just because). Grabbed a map while I was there, then headed back for a couple of T&Gs, then put it away. When I was some miles from the home drome, a Cirrus was departing to stay in the pattern. No worries, About 2 miles out, they were turning x-wind, so I did a quick 360 for spacing, then normal 45* pattern entry, mid field. I figured that the Cirrus, being much faster than my li'l ol' 140, would be turning base shortly. Abeam the numbers, power to 1700, AS in the white arc, one notch of flap, pitch for 80. Cirrus still hasn't turned base yet. At the point where I would normally turn base, Cirrus still hasn't turned, I'm getting low. Apply power to hold what I have. Finally, Cirrus turns base. I wait to make my turn until cirrus is abeam, then I turn base. Holy Moly!! I'm 2 miles out!. What are these people thinking? I just hold what I have turn to final, then start my descent, one mile out 2nd notch, 1/2 mile out 3rd notch, and land. Make one more of these 747 circuits behind the Cirrus. Wondering the whole time, what would happen if their engine quit while turning base to final. Nothing but rough terrain, and a hospital along that path. What's the glide of a Cirrus in landing configuration?
Anyway, was a nice flight, and found that the vent on the left front, leaks. Bad. At annual, I'll have to re-seal the vents.

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