Watch out anytime anyone does anything behind the panel. The two yokes are connected by a bar and there is a chain and sprocket that controls the aileron.
Some geniuses did some work on my 180 and left the central radios and transponder a little loose. Dropping just a few millimeters will cause the yoke to stick solid against the back of the instruments and I would guess one would pull vigorously on the yoke potentially leaving you without elevator or aeleron. In my case I only picked it up after landing but had the conditions been turbulent, I doubt I would be here warned
Some geniuses did some work on my 180 and left the central radios and transponder a little loose. Dropping just a few millimeters will cause the yoke to stick solid against the back of the instruments and I would guess one would pull vigorously on the yoke potentially leaving you without elevator or aeleron. In my case I only picked it up after landing but had the conditions been turbulent, I doubt I would be here warned