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Tachometer limitation question

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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2018
Reaction score
So I have an 0-360-A3A engine with a hollow camshaft and the Sensenich M76EMM-60 prop that has the k at the end of the serial number which apparently indicates that it has had the k-mod.

This airplane is a ‘63 and the tachometer does not have the rpm limitation on it for the 2150-2350 continuous operation nor is there a placard.

One of the other members has pointed out after seeing my panel that he was surprised to not see the limitation on the tach and was king enough to forward the accident report relating to it.

The AFM states that the limitation is for props that are M76EMM-O and mine is a -60.

Is it possible that this whole time with me being the third owner and 60 years of annuals and inspections that it has been completely ignored, or is the kmod on a -60 exempt from the limitation?

Just curious. I have already bought the placard and mod for the tach but just wondered if anyone has the same engine/prop set up without the limitation.

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