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Sun N Fun Forum- Major Announcement by GAMI

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Apr 27, 2017
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Forum building CFAA-04, at 10am.. Tuesday. The talk is entitled …. UL High Octane Avgas Answers.

George Braly of GAMI has been a scheduled forum speaker for some time. As things have materialized recently, he feels the need to change up his planned talk. He is inviting as many press people and aviators interested in this subject matter.

He will provide a blow-by-blow update on the GAMI-FAA G100UL avgas saga since last July at Oshkosh.

I am reasonably confident that this 10:00 AM seminar at S&F will provide the most significant announcement related to high octane unleaded avgas since this topic first came over the horizon some 30 years ago. Please join us if you can.

Note: It will not be a generic talk on the progress of developing a high octane avgas. While I can’t know how “significant” the announcement will be to you personally, I do know it will be quite interesting and add some real insight into what’s been going on behinds the curtain inside the FAA and with other industry groups.

If you’ll be at Sun n Fun on Tuesday, you are encouraged to attend. It will be located at the usual place for forums … the classrooms (looks like a high school building) of the CFAA .. specifically CFAA-04 but you should confirm the room by checking the forum room posting as you enter the door of the building.

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