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Suggestions for replacement wingtips wanted.

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May 15, 2021
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I have the Lopresti wing tips installed on my 1978 Turbo Arrow that the previous owner installed 20 years ago. One lens has cracks and both have the original NAV lights. They have halogen recognition lights that are rectangular (not PAR36) and Whelen high voltage flash tube strobes. I called Whelen (Lopresti STC owner) for a price on the lenses and they said $445 each with an 8 week back order time.
Wingtip - 2.jpg

With all the above said, I'm going to be painting the plane and I'm thinking of replacing the tips to something more modern including PAR taxi/recognition lights, LED NAVs and strobes and possibly replace the tail beacon. I'd also prefer not to grossly reduce any performance gains provided by the Lopresti tips. If these were your goals, what wing tips would you consider and what tradeoffs?


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