New to the forum. I have a 1980 archer with a McCauley 1A170/BMS prop on it.
I'm going in for annual and pretty sure that my prop is going to need replacement. It's 15 yrs old and looks to be suffering from a little too much "file" attention. I have a bit of vibration a low RPM as well. The plane performs pretty well. Was wondering if anyone had any recommendations. I rarely load up to gross. Usually at least 300 lbs under. I think I'd like a little cruise performance/economy over climb performance. Only owned the plane for 2 yrs and been flying as long.
New to the forum. I have a 1980 archer with a McCauley 1A170/BMS prop on it.
I'm going in for annual and pretty sure that my prop is going to need replacement. It's 15 yrs old and looks to be suffering from a little too much "file" attention. I have a bit of vibration a low RPM as well. The plane performs pretty well. Was wondering if anyone had any recommendations. I rarely load up to gross. Usually at least 300 lbs under. I think I'd like a little cruise performance/economy over climb performance. Only owned the plane for 2 yrs and been flying as long.