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We reinstalled the right mag and retimed them today.  Also pulled the intake tube for cylinder #3.  It didn't look like it was leaking, but it was definitely not compressed properly on the widest part of the flanges.  We dressed the flange to ensure it was clamping evenly, and reinstalled it with a new gasket.  This mechanic says he's had good luck with fouling trouble by running a 37BY spark plug so we put one in the bottom of #3 which is the cylinder/plug that has been giving us trouble with oil fouling.

It used to take 6 or 7 primer strokes and substantial cranking to start, I assumed we had fixed an air leak and gave it just 5......and it started on a half turn of the prop.  Warmed it up a little bit and did a mag check without any big missing or other drama.  Then we adjusted mixture and as we richened it up, we were able to get the idle from 800rpm down to 630rpm and get a slight rise in the rpm as it gets close to idle cut off, so it's definitely running quite a bit better.  Hope to test fly it next weekend.
