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Stratus ESG: reviews?

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Mar 10, 2018
Reaction score
I need to solve the ADS-B requirement. For assorted reasons, including cost, I can't do the full-boat avionics upgrade at present, so I'll be flying behind my GNS430 with steam gauges for a while more. I've been looking at the Uavionix sky beacon, and the GDL 82.

My avionics guy suggested I look at the ESG. His reasoning: It's a 1090Mhz ES unit, which would allow flights outside the US. Also, I currently have a Narco AT150 which is getting long in the tooth. This unit would replace that with modern tech. Finally, if I get the input adapter, I can use an ipad or equivalent in the cockpit for traffic etc. All that would increase the resale value of the plane, if I decide to sell.

So I'm looking for opinions. Anybody flying one of these things? Anything about that reasoning which doesn't make sense?

Thanks for your input.

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