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STEC 3100 and Garmin GI275s

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Saratoga Driver
Feb 20, 2016
Reaction score
I personally have lost confidence with STEC. I had upgraded from the 55X a couple years ago to their 3100 which seemed liked a great deal. Problem was it took almost a year to work out the problems associated with the install. To STEC credit they took over the installation and moved our plane to their facility in Mineral Wells Texas. Long story short after several trips they finally got it working and I loved it. Lots of on-the-fly software patches but it worked. Now here we go again. Am in the process of having dual Garmin GI275s installed. What was supposed to be a week install has now stretched into 3 weeks and still no resolution. STEC unlike most companies does not have software download capabilities. They overnight a datacard which means if there is a problem you have to rely on FEDEX next day delivery to get further fixes. To make matters worse they do not work on Fridays, and no one replies to the shops calls or emails until the following Monday. Frustration is difficult to fend off with these issues. Fingers crossed they get it resolved very soon. I still think the 3100 is a great product but these issues make me think I should have looked at Garmin.

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