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Stabilator Trim Repair Cherokee 180 - An Adventure

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Mar 1, 2016
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So, my PA 28-180 went in for its annual 2 weeks before we intended because of an issue with the trim (ours is the manual overhead trim). On a short training flight, the trim began hanging up and slipping some during adjustments, so we grounded the plane and began the annual early. I won't go into everything we had to do to the plane (it was our first annual since we bought it almost a year earlier)...it just "added up" somewhat, if you know what I mean. A little to be expected, I guess.
On the trim...if you're having issues with your trim hanging up and slipping or not functioning consistently, be ready for a potentially time consuming project. We eventually replaced the barrel trim screw assembly in the back, the cable and pulleys. The cable and pulley, and replacing the barrel/screw for that matter, were all pretty straightforward. However, the positioning of the bracket/rib that holds the barrel/screw in place, had to be shimmed a little. Over 52+ years, I think that as those pieces wore, they also caused the bracket/rib to move some, so a little 'help' was needed to get the entire assembly in position as to where the barrel/screw doesn't bind and moved freely.
I share all this for a couple of reasons. One is to just give a little heads up to anyone having the issues. I would make SURE that the barrel/screw assembly in the back is truly faulty by eliminating the other moving parts before replacing it. And second, just know that there may be little 'finesse' in putting it back together.
I searched through the forum for some help as we made the repair and didn't find much. But, hopefully this might be of a little help.
It was a pain in the butt, but I love learning about our old bird.
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