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SiriusXM's go-to aviation guy

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David Megginson
Mar 31, 2016
Reaction score
For anyone having problems with SiriusXM weather, I have finally unearthed the name of the guy who supposedly can fix aviation and marine weather stuff: according to tech-support people, it's Dan Dickerson, who you can reach at [email protected] (make sure to mention his name in the subject line). If anyone else has an unusual issue, this might save you two hours on the phone finding out who actually knows what's going on.

Background: I've been struggling today on the phone with Garmin, SiriusXM Canada, and SiriusXM US to get weather working with my new GDL 51. SiriusXM Canada assured me a couple of weeks ago that it would just be a matter of opening a ticket, but I wasn't smart enough to write down the guy's name, and everyone I talk to now is baffled by the problem.

The issue is that the new SXAR1 weather packages (which new devices like the GDL 51 need) aren't available in Canada yet, but SiriusXM US won't sell them to something with a Canadian billing address. If all else fails, I'll try adding a secondary billing address to my credit card for a parcel-drop place nearby in Ogdensburg, NY, but I'm hoping that it won't come to that.


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