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Shen Air II Flying Club Membership - $17,000

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May 1, 2023
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The Shen Air Flying Club is based at the Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport (KSHD) in Virginia and owns two aircraft, a Piper Archer II and a Cherokee Six (300 HP), both hangared at KSHD. Shen Air is organized as a VA stock corporation and when you join you will be a 1/14th owner of the corporation and can sell your share when you leave. The buy-in cost is based upon AOPA Vref values for the aircraft plus the cash on hand.

Monthly dues are $355 of which $200 is a flying credit. Aircraft flying rates are $100/hour for the Archer and $150/hour for the Six. Dues are kept low and assessments are made as necessary to cover larger expenses.

Both aircraft are equipped with Garmin GTN-650 navigation systems, audio panels and ADS-B transponders and both meet requirements for IFR operations. The Archer also has dual Garmin G-5's with the GFC-500 autopilot. The Six has analog instrumentation with an original single-axis autopilot. Future plans include updating the Six with dual Garmin G-5's and the GFC-500.

Contact the club at [email protected].

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