PURPOSE: A review of service history reveals that, on the affected aircraft, cracks may
develop in the main wing spar at the interface with the main landing gear (MLG)
truss brackets. This service bulletin mandates a one-time inspection for cracks in
the main wing spars to the area common to the MLG truss brackets and a one-
time report of inspection results to Piper.
This service bulletin provides instructions for the recurring replacement of this
hardware, bolt hole inspection, and possible oversize hardware allowance.
develop in the main wing spar at the interface with the main landing gear (MLG)
truss brackets. This service bulletin mandates a one-time inspection for cracks in
the main wing spars to the area common to the MLG truss brackets and a one-
time report of inspection results to Piper.
This service bulletin provides instructions for the recurring replacement of this
hardware, bolt hole inspection, and possible oversize hardware allowance.