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S-TEC 3100 Autopilot - PA24 Series

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Doug Tellef

Active Member
Apr 16, 2019
Reaction score
Mineral Wells, TX
Now Approved, Piper PA-24

The Piper PA-24 series has received STC approval for the S-TEC 3100. The 3100 is a 2-Axis fully-featured, attitude-based autopilot that brings a list of workload-reducing and safety-enhancing capabilities to this excellent cross-country plane.

Click the following link to learn about all the capabilities and the full list of approved models for the 3100:

Genesys Aerosystems S-TEC 3100 is a fully featured, attitude-based autopilot that gives you a list of workload-reducing and safety-enhancing capabilities that were previously unavailable on aftermarket autopilots. Compatible with traditional steam gauges or advanced digital sources & EFIS displays from various manufacturers, the S-TEC 3100 delivers unmatched features and benefits:

  • Precise, digital flight control for every phase of flight
  • 2-axis
  • Automatic Trim included
  • Envelope Protection/Alerting*
  • Straight and Level Recovery
  • Precision Approaches/Missed Approaches
  • Indicated Airspeed Hold*
  • Altitude Preselect*
  • And much more!
*Additional equipment may be required in some configurations

Shipping will begin in the coming weeks. Contact your Genesys Aerosystems Authorized Dealer to schedule your installation today! You can find a list of dealers in your area on this link:


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