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It does but I wasn't. I'm aware of the advantages. What I named to him was the value to me. $7K I'd give it some serious thought.... $5K he had a sale.

Having run a product based manufacturing business myself in the past, hearing what customer is thinking as well as having a chance for a sale I always liked to have. I will say this is not my normal experience... most of these small shops are willing to work with you.

My question here was if anyone had actually bought these for an Aztec. I'm going to hazard to guess 50/50 he may have very few sales to Aztec drivers.  Considering a better product is available from lightspeed  and there is a chance the FAA actually may actually follow the working group's recommendations, it's still worth waiting another year. That's a remote chance however.

My thought on the STC with an existing company is it's more to expand their market... and I think a good market would exist with the Aztec's. It's an under-priced twin with a reputation, deserved or not, as a gas hog.  So instead of 100% of his STC upcharge on one engine, this company will get 0% on both engines.  But he wants basically to go from $3K for both sides to $11K because he has an STC.

His right of course.... but I can't justify that.
