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My first and last name is the same as someone else that is on the known Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) List, try going through an airport and boarding a plane and I get pulled out of the line always after Home Land Security scans my license. The bad guy with the same name is from England I have learned, and I always get detained for a while as they always have to get a supervisor to look at my credentials, after the first time being detained for over an hour I now always bring a original Birth Certificate, SS Card, MassPort Pilot Badge issued by my ap and includes a FBI background check every two years,Passport when traveling in addition to my drivers license which makes it easier to get through and make my flight.

The low level Homeland security guys working the line even after looking at my paperwork can never approve me to get on a flight and they always have to call a supervisor, they always search me and pat me down too, for which they tell you they are going to do and and I always make them change there dirty blue medical gloves before they pat me down and ticks them off. Then the supervisor gets there I start telling them I am not the guy from England, and show him all my id's, they always look up the guy with the same name as me on a computer which has a picture of him which of course is dramatically different looking and then let me go.

Huge PIA for me flying commercial and lucky I don't do it much.
