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Replacing Carpet in 1965 PA-28-180C

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Junior Member
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
My 1965 PA-28-180c is apart for annual inspection.

Time for some better-looking carpet!!!

Prefer to use a local carpet place for quicker turnaround, and then do the treatment to meet FAA standards for flame retardant or fireproofing.
Can someone offer how that's done, or am I kidding myself???

Turnaround times from Airtex, SCS Interiors, etc., aren't good for us right now and might be able to save a little bit of money going local.

I do have someone lined up next week about 200 miles roundtrip (via car since airplane is down) that is an aircraft interior place.
I have the carpet pieces removed and, in my possession, so I could have the correct product in my hands within 10 days or less for $1,000, and then just reassemble during the finish up of the annual inspection.
Any thoughts???

Should I go with the path of least resistance or try a do it myself version???
Thanks in advance!!!


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