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Replacing Airspeed Indicator - no TAS

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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2017
Reaction score
Saint Augustine FL
I am getting some conflicting opinions, and was hopeful someone here could help provide some regulatory insight. I have a 1978 PA28161 with the original airspeed indicator featuring the ubiquitous integrated TAS computer (rotatable scale). As I fly with the Aspen PFD which gives me TAS, I do not need (nor desire) the TAS scale on the analogue indicator anymore which is in need of replacement.

I have a new indicator from UMA with paperwork that states it meets TSO C2d specifications, and is of course color coded per the approved flight manual. But no TAS scale.

In my aircraft's equipment list, the Tru-Speed Indicator (Cert Basis TSO C2b) has an equipment code of "C", which denotes "an optional item which replaces a required item of standard equipment." The latter should be the standard airspeed indicator without a TAS scale.

Is there anything that would prohibit removing the original unit with the TAS scale, and replacing it with a properly certified indicator that does not have it?


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