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Question: GMA 345 with mono jacks

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David Megginson
Mar 31, 2016
Reaction score
I was considering adding a GMA 345 audio panel/intercom to my upcoming avionics work (I have an old KMA 24 right now, with a separate FlightCom 403MC intercom), but I got a surprisingly large quote for parts and labour, because of the need to pull the interior to replace the old mono jacks with stereo.

I'm considering counter-offering with a couple of alternatives (note that the radio stack is already going to be apart for installing my new GTN 650 and GTX 345):

1. Install the GMA 345 with new stereo jacks for the front two seats (in the panel), but leave the existing mono jacks in the back.

2. Same as #1, but leave the back jacks disconnected (now that my kids are grown, I have backseat passengers for maybe 2–3 flights/year).

I was thinking of suggesting unit cost + CA $1,000 for additional parts and labour (excluding sales tax). Does that sound reasonable? Are there still big chunks for work that I might be missing?

Thanks, David

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