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Preparing for annual - Cherokee 180

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CGLUMPS or bust!!!
Jan 24, 2016
Reaction score
My Cherokee is going in for annual next week.

I bought the airplane last year and had it annualed after it passed the prebuy. However, I was several hundred miles away so was unable to participate. At the time, it didn't need much, though there were a few 'keep an eye on this' items. This year it is going to a local mechanic.

My most recent flight with the bird was eventful, and not in the good way. Electrical failure (luckily close to home) and then when I got out, I saw that the nose strut had puked up a bunch of 5606 and started to deflate. Ouch! I'm dreading the costs, and though I have money budgeted to fix what needs fixing, I would like to be proactive in ordering parts, checking ADs, etc. as to not burn up a bunch of the new guy's hours.

So, my questions are:

1. I have tried to look up applicable ADs via the FAA website. However, I find that to be pretty confusing. Is there a better way to look up via aircraft, engine, prop serial number? Any software worth acquiring?

2. I do have a few gift cards for Spruce and a coupon for Chief Aircraft. I'm thinking of ordering what I *know* I will need beforehand. Right now, my parts list includes:

Oil filter
Air filter

I also likely will need:
Main tires (one needs replacement, might as well do both)
Nose strut rebuild kit
Door hinge clevis pins and hinge bolts (mine are worn)
Door latch clevis pin

Anything else I should order which would be absolutely necessary for a 1963 180 annual?

The fellow I'm using is out of town right now, otherwise I'd probably just ask him. :D

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