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Portable oxygen setup

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Senior Member
Jan 3, 2011
Reaction score
I have been looking at getting an oxygen system to fly with because I sometimes fly above altitudes that oxygen is recommended. I would also like the option of flying over 12.5 for crossing the mountains. I don't fly that high on a regular basis though, so it is hard to swallow an O2 system for $400+ that I might use once a year.

I did some research, and from what I can tell aviation oxygen systems are pretty much identical to medical oxygen systems. If I got a medical oxygen setup and filled it with aviators oxygen, I could literally pay 1/4 of the price. Does anyone know of a reason I can't do this, or have experience in this realm that they could share?

VE Ralph Aluminum D Size Oxygen Cylinder With Toggle Valve https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0021K4N6Y/?tag=skimlinks_replacement-20

HCS8715M Medline 1 EA/EA REGULATOR,0-15 LPM,870 CGA CONNECTION Medline HCS8715M https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000JIVWPA/?tag=skimlinks_replacement-20

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