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Piper Aztec Cabin door opened in-flight.

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user 24684

New Member
Sep 12, 2023
Reaction score
During a routine survey capture mission, the cabin door fully open to the nacelle during climb out around 1700ft. It caused an immediate pitch down and roll towards the right with extreme stabilator buffet vibrations that could be felt throughout the cabin and yoke. The aircraft began descending rapidly it was not until my coworker was able to hold the door shut that I could regain some pitch and roll control, but with each inch the door would creep open it would cause the Aztec to roll right and pitch down. It was like trying to fly with a unfeathered dead engine. I did a wide pattern while trying to maintain speed and altitude. I deployed flaps and gear slowly on base and was able to land normally.

Has this happened to anyone else? I am just curious if the Aztec is still controllable with the door fully open because if I were solo I am not sure I could shut the door and fly the aircraft at the same time.

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