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Phone conversations on headset

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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2014
Reaction score
Just as the title suggests my question is relating to just how this works. My first and primary headset is a DC 13.4 old school workhorse which doesn't even apply to the question. A while back I had to search really hard to find a headset that my wife would tolerate and after Bose, light speed, etc were all tried she fell in love with the DCX pro which is the on the ear ANR headset. Although I still mostly use my old school DC I occasionally "borrow" her set (when she's not with me) and have to say it takes comfort to a whole new level.

Anyway, to the question. I've read through the manual and have tried to comprehend how the phone functions via Bluetooth with the headset. I feel like although the manual explains well how to get them to connect it doesn't really explain how they work together. On a few occasions I had them connected and the phone would ring. I'd try to physically answer the phone and once answered I couldn't hear the person on my headset. Idk if I I had a setting wrong or what but it just didn't work like I thought it should.

Can anyone give me a general idea of how these Bluetooth headsets function beyond the setup of them communicating? When the call is answered is the caller hearing me through my headset mic only? Is the phone mic muted? Do they only hear something when the squelch is broken? Do I have to touch the phone to answer and hang up? Etc....

I'm using and iPhone 6 fwiw.


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