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On a good day, lightly loaded (solo and half tank of gas) at 7000' I can level cruise at 166 KTAS.   This assumes full throttle and cruise leaning 100 ROP, which works out to about 15.5 GPH.    Fully loaded I typically see 158 KTAS with the same power settings.  I can maintain 150 KTAS up to about 13,000 ft, although it starts to be a bit nose-up and difficult to recover from wind gusts.

A note of caution on the hinge flap fairings:  Depending on who you get them from you might actually lose speed.  I didn't install them.  My A&P said he removed them for some of his customers.  If I recall, the K2U are the ones that cause more drag than they save.

Gap seals help with stability at lower speed and seem to help at high altitude.   In level cruise they don't do much.

My biggest gains came from:

1. RIGGING!   You'll have to re-rig after installing mods.

2. Wing tips

3. Tail beacon mod

4. Gear lobes

5. Engine mounts replacement (changes thrust center line)

I don't want to hijack this thread into another performance / mods thread.  But happy to pick up the conversation here:

[URL unfurl="true"]https://www.piperforum.com/threads/lance-speed-mods-and-led-lighting-project.18042/[/URL]
