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Looking at the Electrical Schematic after the switch there is then the dimmer, after that there is a separate feed and wire to the upper panel lights, and another separate wire feed to the lower panel lights, so are all out or just the upper/lower?

Each group of upper and lower each has one wire (12v positive)  that connects to each light and then continues to the next light kind of daisy chained as we call it electrically, and each light shows it has its own separate ground so if most of them are out I would be more inclined to think its not a ground problem as each has its own and unlikely so many are loose or broken, the most probably is the 12v positive side on the instrument light that is working and the next light that isn't were a loose connection or break could be, but the schematic doesn't label each light for which one it is, just shows the electrical symbol for it. The upper panel shows seventeen lights counting the compass, and the lower panel shows five lighted devices.

I would try looking under the panel first with a good strong drop light first and check in the area and see if you can see the connection at the last working light and follow the wire to the next connection if you can, I doubt you will be able to as they are clustered and tied together with lots of other wires, next I would pull the instrument last lit and then check the next closest instruments to that one pulling them and you will probably find a broken terminal one of them.

I have a schematic/manual if you need it.
