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If you have the same paint as whatever your exterior paint is, urethane, clear coat, , acrylic enamel, etc, you can do somethign similar to what I've done.

Patch and repair as needed with fiberglass tape/mesh backing and black ABS cement.  Clean with a wax and oil remover, then spray with a coat of Bulldog plastic adhesion promotor.  I then did a thin sealer/primer coat using a two coat epoxy primer and then top coated with the same paint I'd had color matched  for the exterior of plane from local automotive paint store, which in my case was a two part acrylic enamel.  It's kind of overkill, similar results can be done with a rattle can plastic primer and top coated with whatever enamel or urethane based top coat you have.

The SEM is nice, I've never used it buy it takes out the whole adhesion and primer steps to process as long as you find a color matching your needs.
