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PA28-180 with serial number after 1780.

I have discovered an exhaust crack (yeah CO monitor!). The part that is cracked is beneath the heat shroud and is not listed in the Piper Parts Manual. It is the part of the exhaust that has the exhaust outlet extending past the cowl and that fits between the right and left rear exhaust stacks (p/n 62232-00 and 62231-00, respectively).

Is there a PMA manufacturer out there for that part? If so, who and what is the part number?

If not, is there a shop one can recommend that welds exhaust stacks? I'm located in Virginia near TN, NC and WV.

Or might I have success with a salvage company?

And why doesn't Piper list that part? Doesn't make sense if they are still producing it for the 28-181.

