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PA28-140 Carb Split Line ???

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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2010
Reaction score
I’ve encountered several Carbs on 140’s that show looseness

between the Upper and Lower Housings.

You can Grab the Lower Bowl and noticeably twist it.

In some cases you can see a gap and insert a Feeler Gage.

Note the Locking Devices on the Screws were still intact.

Thus either the Screws stretched or more likely the Gasket wore away.

Oddly enough ; this did not seem to have any effect on Engine Performance.

Replacing the Gasket did not change show any change.

The Gasket Seals fuel and air and it would seem that a “gap” would have a

negative effect on operation.

Anyone else find this?


Note I’ve never observed this on anything other than

a PA-28.

My guess is the Intake Duct plays a role here.

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