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PA-32R Gear / alternator problem

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Apr 22, 2023
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio
I have a 1976 PA-32R-300 which exhibited a problem where the gear would not come down without using the emergency gear down lever. We took it to a shop and the mechanic had zero problems with the gear when the plane was in the hangar on jacks. So, we tried to reproduce the problem in flight, and with the alternator on, the gear won't let down, but with the alternator off the gear comes down without issue. We think the problem is with the alternator or voltage regulator, but still have questions around why this would affect gear down and not raising the gear (maybe because the gear is being raised during takeoff at full power/full rpm) and if it's an issue with something like a diode failure in the alternator, why the battery wouldn't make up a shortfall in voltage/power.

Anyway, any ideas? Or, any suggestions of a shop in the midwest that has the tools (oscilloscope) and knowledge to diagnose the issue?

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