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PA-28 So I've got this nut...

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Feb 24, 2016
Reaction score
Could use anyone's knowledge here...

My hanger is in a busy part of the airport, the hangers are all leased and weekends it's not uncommon to have three or four planes pulling forward at the same time. Because of this, I often get some bits FOD blown into my hanger doors when open. Planes run up at the end of the row of hangers all the time and blow stuff around.

So I look down next to my workbench and find this nut on the hanger floor, which looks like the type of nut used to secure control cables.

I've never seen this on my PA-28, however, and it was three inches from the door.

Could be from another plane being pulled forward.
Could be from my plane possibly...

I have spent the last hour looking over the plane and checking controls and so forth. I can't find anything wrong. No spots where a bolt once was. No bolts without nuts. No loose cables I can see. She seems perfectly airworthy but who wants to discover a cable coming loose midair? I feel like I have been diligent and careful but short of an inspection at the ol' shop I don't know where else to look.

So.... Can anyone tell me where a nut such as this might be found on a '67 PA-28?


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