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PA 18-150 Wing repair, guidance needed..

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Established Member
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Nov 1, 2017
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Hi All!

I am usually on the Cherokee pages, but have a good friend (and outstanding AME that helps us greatly with our plane) seeking some guidance..

He is rebuilding wings of a Super Cub damaged in a hangar collapse. Here is his note.....



Hi, Wondering if you could help me with some information. I'm a Canadian AME (A&P), somewhat retired now and have 45 years experience on most all types of general aviation aircraft. I've rebuilt several certified aircraft and have built nine experimentals, RVs, Pitts, Rocket F1s and so on. I'm currently rebuilding a set of Super Cub wings PA18-150 serial# 18-7796 after a hangar collapse at our local strip. I have been trying to find out how much washout to put in the wing as it is built on a bench/jig, not on the airplane. Reading everything I can find on it it seems everyone has a different opinion. I believe it's Cubcrafters who suggest a 1" spacer for proper washout while building up the wing, I find that gives me about a 1.75 degree washout and 1.25" gives me around 2.3 degrees or so. Is there a correct figure. I understand the wing setup when assembling to the airplane, that info is readily available, just need to know a figure for what's best when building the assembly on the bench.

Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.

Regards Jerry


Cananyone here offer some suggestions?


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