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PA-12 engine upgrade experience?

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'47 PA-12 and '63 PA-28
Supporting Member
May 5, 2020
Reaction score
the O-235 in my PA-12 is starting to show signs that it may be nearing end of life. looking at options for it if i have to replace it.
note my PA-12 is pretty much "stock" looking and i like that. no flaps, PA-14 gear, etc. only PA-18 parts on it are the tailfeathers.

looking at options - but anything is going to be heavier, of course. O-290 is 18-20 lbs heavier, O-320 is pushing 26 to 30 lbs heavier depending on which dash number.
i am based at 6500' msl so yeah - more power would be nice, but we get along fine keeping the plane light and making smart decisions, so for my mission the power isnt essential.

anyone with before and after experience upgrading to an O-290 or O-320 in a 12 care to weigh in on how the plane handles with the increased weight in the nose, and did you go the route of a shorter motor mount, etc.?
if you had to do it all over again would you?


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