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I recently did the "owner assited" annual and my local AP/IA gave me his check list for what he wanted covered.  Following his check list is a lot easier than deciphering everything from reading the manual.   I pulled all the panels, took the seats out, removed cowlings, fairings, etc.  Then he came over and did the actual inspection and as he did, he told me what needed to be done.  For exampl he told me to lubricate this area with #1  and this part with #2 etc etc.   His inspection took about an hour and I had a list of stuff to do.   I did all the mechanial work, removed plugs, oil change, fixed some loose platenuts, brakes, bearings, etc etc.  Then he came back to do the compression check and cleaned the plugs.  He also showed me how to grease a variable pitch prop.  Then he inspected all my work and looked at my list to see if I had done everything.  Finally I reinstalled all the covers, seats, fairings, etc.  Oh, he also did the AD search.   Total labor price to A&P was $235 bucks.   It is the way to go.  You'll learn a lot.
